The Last Mission begins with a tumultuous event 5 years ago, when Truong Dan was suddenly knocked down by an unknown Eastern European man and robbed Sam Chi Dong (a part of GAIA treasure). while on the run. As a result, he was not only arrested by the police and forced to sit for 5 years on the charge of stealing precious treasures abroad, but also lost his beautiful fiancee Amber (Truong Tinh So).
Immediately after his prison term was released, Truong Dan immediately carried out a plan to track down the person who killed him 5 years ago. Knowing that, the only way to gather GAIA, the old "player" of the past would reveal his face, so Truong Dan decided to recruit more Diep Hong and Tieu Bao to his group to facilitate action. The first mission in the beautiful and poetic city of Cannes went smoothly. Only with the strategy of "yang, east and west", Menh Chi Duc was in the hands of Truong Dan, right in front of the police and security guards.
Besides the famous names of the Chinese language, the audience will reunite with the veteran French actor Jean Reno in the role of a detective who is always chasing Dan to prevent him from performing his last mission.
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